Mit® die Informationsqualität bei der Instandhaltung der Schieneninfrastruktur steigern

High level of transparency for railways

In the maintenance of rail infrastructure, the quality of information is a key factor. On the basis of information, far-reaching and irreversible decisions must be made.

If the responsible persons have reliable, up-to-date information at the right time, the chances of making the right decisions increase exorbitantly. An optimization of the planning, control and implementation of maintenance can only be achieved on the basis of a reliable digital copy and mapping of reality with so-called information systems.

Modern information systems actively support the management of rail networks. This allows, for example, for the qualified data capture of sites and inventory. These systems also document and evaluate as well as actively support the processes of inspection, maintenance and repair. Monitoring and control of scheduled jobs, such as revisions, inspections, and warranty durations also form part of modern information systems.® offers the best results of all rail infrastructure software products available on the market:

  • transparent information
  • high acceptance of users
  • reliable illustration of reality
  • efficient data acquisition and management
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Contact and information:

E-Mail: Mario RAINER
+49 6502 98790-28