Inspection and analysis for the long-term maintenance of track systems

More than just measuring!

Maintaining the value of a track system over the long term requires proper inspection and maintenance. They are among the main tasks of a smart maintenance. Here, too, we support infrastructure managers, because economic maintenance is our core competence.

We have created our own competence network for inspection tasks: Inspection & Analysis.
An experienced, highly qualified and responsible team of experts works exclusively for inspection activities.

Their profession: recording, assessing and evaluating the condition of the infrastructure, recognising causes and derivation & recommending the correct repair measures. A complete package – evaluated, prioritised and documented in a comprehensible manner. They deliver everything that is needed in terms of reliable information on the condition for the planning, budgeting, control and operations scheduling of maintenance.

Requestbrochure inspection (PDF)

Contact and information:
E-Mail: Mario RAINER
+49 6502 9941-18